The staff and leadership here at WMPC is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the radio community. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our station office to speak with them. You can contact the station office at (810) 667-1230.
Ed was called by God into broadcasting right out of high school. Although he would not enter the broadcast field until he was 24. After 25 years in secular radio, God opened the door for him at WMPC. God is patient!!!
Ed's life verse(s) - 1 John 4:1-4.
Greg began serving at WMPC in 2001, doing play-by-play for a football game. He has been the weekday morning voice of the station since November of 2005. He is married to Renee and they are active members at their local church. Greg's life verse is II Timothy 1:7 - "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind." (KJV)
Ellissa gave her heart to the Lord when she was 16 after dropping out of high school and getting her GED. God led her to get her Associate Degree at Elim Bible Institute in NY and there solidified the call on her life to serve Him in everything. Upon moving back home, God completely negated Ellissa's own plans and brought her to WMPC. He knows best!! Ellissa's life verse is Psalm 27:4.
Having been greatly helped by Christian Radio at an early age, Tim is passionate for radio Gospel ministry. He has been with WMPC since 2020. Tim and his wife are blessed with four children and he also serves as the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church of Imlay City. His life passage is John 10 (No one can take you from God).
David began his career in broadcasting in 1964, joining the family business and progressing through management into ownership. Finally, he was led by the Lord through the guidance of Pastor Arnold Bracy to WMPC and began what Dave describes as the best job on radio he has ever had, serving God through Gospel 1230AM and 106.9FM. Dave's life verse is 1 Corinthians 10:33.
Nikki had her sights on the heavens at an early age (she wanted to work for NASA). Thanks to her grandma, she began going to church at 5 years old and in the Christian Youth Club as a young child she felt a "tug" to know the Lord. For years she worked as an automotive design engineer until she felt the "tug" again, and through His guidance, she was led to WMPC's radio ministry in 2011. Nikki's life verse is Philippians 4:7.
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